Saturday, October 27, 2018

Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media

       Good afternoon everyone! This week I will be analyzing the concepts and critiquing the points from the Ted Talk video of Sherry Turkle, and this video can be viewed from the link In addition, I will be analyzing and critiquing the points of the Ford Fiesta Movement, and this can be found at With these analyses and critiques, I hope to provide a better understanding of the positive and negative impacts, concerns, and risks of social media in society and every day life.
       In the TED Talk video by Sherry Turkle, she explains how the digital age has taken away from the importance of personal relationships. Nowadays, people are beginning to develop relationships more online than in an individual setting. Where texting and digital media can be advantageous in some ways, it can also be a negative aspect as well. During everyday routine, a simple text to a group of people can be a lot faster and easier than calling everyone. This allows for a more time efficient way to communicate an idea or message. In addition, e - mail serves a more efficient way to communicate too. Sending a single e - mail to a group is a lot quicker than trying to reach everyone by phone or other means. However, relationships should not develop and continue via online and in a social media state. This can have a negative impact on society and in individual relationships.
       However, this practice is becoming more and more common. Social media is taking away from the effectiveness, importance, and significance of a one on one relationship. There are so many more benefits from developing face to face relationships than via digital means. Individuals cannot sense the feelings and learn the personal characteristics of others using digital means. Digital technology does not allow people to laugh, cry, or celebrate together as well. Enjoying a party together is a lot more personally advantageous than celebrating through text, Skype, or other social media ways. The personal connection shared in a celebration, party, significant emotional event, or other life altering moment cannot be replaced by a text, Skype, or e - mail. A baby's birth should be celebrated together with family, and it should not be played on social media for everyone to enjoy. If a soldier is deployed to a far away country and social media is the only means available for a family member to celebrate the birth of a child, then social media can be a productive means to use. However, this practice should not become a habit. Society today should use social media in ways where it can be advantageous, but it should not replace the traditional customs of important personal moments.
       Even though social media has it's negative impacts, it is still used in various positive and advantageous manners. One example is the Fiesta movement launched by Ford. For a six month duration, 100 specifically chosen individuals with an age range spanning 20 - 30 years from the United States got a chance to drive a brand new Ford Fiesta for free. This "movement" was geared to gain awareness for the newly launched Fiesta. At the beginning of following year, the new Fiesta planned to make it's debut. According to certain social media factors, these lucky 100 hundred winners were selected. These selections were chosen based on their activity on social sites and social media practices.
       This was a very innovative and strategic move by Ford. Where this practice could have some negative impacts such as safety concerns and consumer risks, it could have many advantageous manners as well. Ford does need to take in consideration the risks associated with allowing drivers to test the product. This does not directly correspond with the message being given, however, it is something that needs to be considered in this idea and other innovative and new marketing practices. Many companies could put themselves behind by trying to get ahead. Safety concerns and legal risks are factors that should always be considered. One accident or complaint from by an individual could further complicate company efforts. In some instances, companies will go under from a single accident. In addition to monetary costs, the company could receive more negative exposure than positive.
       Moving on to the positive aspects, the social media activity practice of individuals is a very beneficial marketing tool. Using others social media practices to further exploit a product or an idea is a very innovative idea. This could serve as a "tipping point" to develop or convey a product, message, or an idea. If one person commonly corresponds with a particular demographic, then that individual will serve as a beneficial tool to market to other areas. This could help reduce marketing efforts by Ford and possibly reach a market share where it does not normally appeal. Also, Ford would gain a more educated analysis of the impact of social media. Ford would know the primary users of social media and other important characteristics and demographics. By allowing individuals to test the Fiesta, Ford will gain more exposure of other people as well. With the new Fiesta out on the open road, other people will be able to see the product and gain awareness themselves.
         Another advantageous aspect of this move, is the ability to further test the new product. Companies do have their own ways of testing a product for safety, durability, etc., however, normal everyday exposure can gain awareness of certain product needs or specifications. Due to product faults, many companies take a tremendous loss from recalls. To go ahead and test the product more effectively and efficiently, Ford would gain from marketing and product quality efforts. This would further reduce the risk of a product recall. And, it would further help prevent any accidents occurring from product deficiencies or weaknesses.
       With the analysis and critique of  Sherry Turkle's video and the Ford Fiesta Movement, I hoped I was able to gain awareness of others. Social media is very important tool that can be very advantageous. However, society needs to learn to use it responsibly. Use social media for the ways in can benefit, and stay away from the areas where it can cause a decline in the important things in life and society. Remember there are risks associated with all social media, and maintain focus on the areas of life where personal interaction is important, crucial, and significant.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Strategic Communications and Emerging Media

        Hello everyone! My name is Casey, and I am from Macon, GA. Currently, I am employed by the United States Army. I have been employed by this organization for over 11 years, and I plan to continue my service. While serving in the United States Army, my career profession has been mainly focused on logistics and recruiting. Due to my enjoyment and background in recruiting and sales, I have continued to try to pursue my Master's in Strategic Communication. Currently, I live in Fort Rucker, Alabama, and I have been living here approximately two years. I am not married nor do I have any children.
       This blog will cover the area of strategic communication and emerging media, and I will be mainly focusing on the aspect of the diffusion of innovation. The diffusion of innovation is a very interesting topic which accurately portrays how an idea, trend, or fashion can cause a dramatic effect on a society or culture. It is very interesting to learn the basics and particulars of this topic and how it can cause a dramatic impact. Looking back on such particular innovations and their effects has raised awareness on how dramatically they can cause an impact on a society or culture.
        Diffusion is defined as the process in which an innovation is communicated through various channels over time amongst associates of a social system. A lot of diffusion of innovation begins with what is commonly referred to as a "tipping point." This term focuses on the point where a particular trend becomes increasingly popular and spreads like wildfire throughout a population. The "tipping point" emphasizes that for both good and bad change can easily become increasingly popular amongst a social system. Much like a domino effect, change can occur through a population. The "tipping point" idea traces its origins in the diffusion theory, and this is simply a set of generalizations pertaining to the normal spread of innovations throughout a social system. To gain a more accurate understanding on how to judge the truth and power of the epidemic spreading of trends, Everett Rogers’s scholarly and scientific Diffusion of Innovations (1995) has become the standard textbook and reference on diffusion studies. For any further referencing, this textbook can be used to gain further knowledge of the diffusion of innovation. In this thorough and unbiased book is a complete explanation of the factors that show that an innovation will reach the well - known "tipping point." Through my readings of this theory, it has increased my awareness of certain tipping points throughout our modern everyday society and culture.
      Through further understanding, most decisions are not authoritative nor collective. According to a 5 step process, each member of a social system undergoes his or her innovation or decision. Given that decisions are not authoritative or collective, each member of the social system faces his or her own innovation or decision that follows a 5-step process. Knowledge increases awareness in an individual of an innovation and it's functions, and persuasion serves as a way to form a likeable or unlikable opinion of the innovation. Decision occurs when an individual performs acts that allow the option to accept or reject the innovation, and implementation occurs when the individual uses that innovation. Lastly, confirmation occurs when the individual evaluates the outcome of an innovation or decision that has already been formed.
       One of the most interesting aspects of the diffusion theory is that the vast majority of members of a social system are effected by an innovation or decision depending mainly on the innovation or decisions of the other members of the system. According to facts, realistically we notice an innovation's successful spread to embody an S-shaped curve. Further portraying, once 10 to  25 percent of a system's members adopt an innovation, the remaining members relatively adopt. Then, follows an era where the holdouts eventually adopt. Through more evaluation and explanation of this process, individuals can gain a more accurate and precise knowledge of the idea of how the "tipping point" and "diffusion of innovation" occur through a society and culture.
       I hope this blog has gained the interest of others, and it has created an increasing knowledge and awareness of my topic. I plan to post to this blog weekly, and my address for this blog is
       The main focus or reasoning of this blog is to focus on the importance of the "tipping point." The tipping point on any strategic communication or emerging media can further educate on how to effectively communicate ideas. Something so small can be the catalyst for the widespread idea, trend, fashion or "diffusion of innovation." When knowing how a certain factor causes a such an immense impact, communication professionals can gain further expertise and knowledge.